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CaptivesFreed is an organization based in Becker, Minnesota. Our mission is to raise awareness for at-risk teens and young adults, work toward prevention of risk, and  partner with sister organizations to end the tragedy of human trafficking. 


CaptivesFreed operates with the understanding that true freedom is much deeper than being physically removed from a traumatic circumstance. Our desire is to help offer true freedom, which is a matter of the heart, mind, and soul -- a long, difficult road traveled with ongoing support, resources, and hope for the future.  


We serve rescued victims of sex-trafficking, underprivileged youth and young adults who

need life supports to help foster a culture of safety and belonging. 


WHO IS AT RISK? Any individual experiencing factors including... 

  • - homelessness

  • - broken or single-parent family

  • - drug and alcohol recovery

  • - poverty or underprivileged living

  • - trauma and/or abuse (past or current)

  • - significant physical, mental, & spiritual brokenness



CaptivesFreed works to bring resources and refuge to those in need of recovery through the development and use of Christ-centered programming, marketplace ministries, conference participation, state-lobbying, and the establishment of recovery homes for women who have escaped trafficking.


We will be partnering with other ministries that share our vision and also working with volunteers to foster a supportive community, whether on our refuge properties as we provide aftercare and resources for a future life of freedom or in programs like Heart to Heart, where at-risk youth will establish relationships with mentors who encourage and help them develop their specific skills, talents, and interests. 


CaptivesFreed also promotes and develops relevant media—both print and film—to educate, encourage, and inspire cultural change and revival, looking toward a future free from the tragedy of human trafficking.


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